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Join UsNote for Qlik Sense Desktop: By default, Qlik Sense Desktop runs in a window of its own, in the display language of the operating system of your computer. In this case, the language cannot be altered unless you change the display language of the operating system.
If you open Qlik Sense Desktop in a web browser, the language used depends on both the web browser and how that browser detects the language to display.
Web browser | Operating system | Language setting detected |
Google Chrome | Windows | Browser language preference |
Safari | Mac OS X | Operating system locale |
Safari | iOS | Operating system locale |
Mozilla Firefox | Windows | Preferred content language |
Microsoft Edge | Windows | Operating system language |
Internet Explorer 10 or higher | Windows | Operating system language |
How you set Qlik Sense to display in another language depends on the web browser you are using.
Qlik Sense automatically detects your web browser's language preference. If your web browser's language preference is one of the supported languages, then Qlik Sense will display in that language. If not, it will display in English.
Below are examples of how to change your language preference in the most common browsers.
Do the following:
In Languages, under Order languages based on your preference, drag the language you want Qlik Sense to run in to the top of the list.
Do the following:
Do the following:
Tap on the Settings icon on your iPad or iPhone. Tap General, the option with the gear icon.
Tap the International option.
Tap the Language option in the first group, Select your desired language from the list of available languages and tap Done on the top-right side of the list screen.
It will take a few seconds to change the language, and then you will see the interface language has changed to the language you have selected.
Do the following:
Tap on the Settings icon on your iPad or iPhone. Tap General, the option with the gear icon.
Tap Language & Region. Select your desired language from the list of available languages.
It will take a few seconds to change the language, and then you will see the interface language has changed to the language you have selected.
Do the following:
Do the following:
Do the following:
Do one of the following:
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