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Join UsLocal files and server/cluster connections should be considered separately.
In local files the only supported alternate identity is the one defined in the Section Access tables of the document and just USERNAME/PASSWORD is supported, not NTNAME.
In server/cluster connections both alternate identity with and without Section Access tables are supported and in this case you don't need any password (if with Section Access just NTNAME, without USERNAME and PASSWORD are supported) OR section access with just USERNAME/PASSWORD but the user running the engine service must be able to access the document on the server.
So, as an example, the connections should be configured with "Connection requires authentication", then "Server authentication" and in Identity "DOMAIN\userid". The checkbox "Apply user section access for reports".
This will work, but all the other requirements like the following must be fulfilled.
We don't need passwords when users are domain users and we don't support "Section Access" with DMS or QlikView Document users.
The only supported configuration for Section Access is domain users with the necessary setup to allow NT impersonation.
The only supported configuration for simple Document Authentication is QlikView Document users with the necessary setup to allow QlikView and its running Windows user to open the document without requiring further credentials.
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