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Join UsAn NPrinting task contains a report that has to be sent to recipients. There are filters associated to the report, the recipients or to the task.
Some recipient do not receive the report.
The log files show a "Filters for request xxx produce an invalid selection" error in the logs.
Other errors that may be seen in the Engine logs when running the report with invalid selections follows:
ERROR: Error processing request of type Qlik.Reporting.Engine.Messages.Requests.FilterMaterializationRequest for sense app <app id>. ERROR: Cannot apply filter Filters:...
Bookmark: , Void: False to current document data. Requested fields with evaluates are: F\<field name>
Error processing request of type Qlik.Reporting.Engine.Messages.Requests.FormulaNodeRequest for sense app <app id>. ERROR: System.TimeoutException: Method "EvaluateEx" timed out
NPrinting does not generate a reports when the filters applied to it are incompatible. With incompatible we mean that the filter are not selecting any data. There are some typical cases in which we have incompatible filters:
NPrinting automatically checks for incompatible filters at the beginning of a task execution and automatically stops the report generation if there is any incompatibility. This is an optimization common to all NPrinting 17 and 18 releases.
When you use this kind of selections (incompatible filters), QlikView and Qlik Sense would remove all the selections and, if NPrinting would not apply this optimization, a report with all the data would be sent. This is not what customers want to do. It could also be a dangerous behavior because confidential data could be sent to people that are not supposed to see it.
Reports are not generated because of these kind of incompatibility in the filter selections.
It is necessary to check the filters mentioned in the logs and to find in the source documents where the problem is. This can be done by applying the NPrinting filter selections manually in Qlik Sense or in QlikView.
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