When upgrading Qlik Alerting you may experience any of the following symptoms
- services may stop running when restarted
- services may not start and an error saying port already in use can be seen in the daemon logs
- services may not respond when trying to stop or start
Do the following to manually remove any services that are non-responsive:
- Backup any SSL certs and config settings that have been changed in the c:/program files/qlik alerting/config folder.
- Uninstall Qlik Alerting. This may take additional time while it waits for the service to respond but it will close eventually.
- Check that all services have been removed
- if they have not then manually delete the service through the cmd line (admin privileges) using the sc delete "qlikalerting<service name>.exe" command. E.g: sc delete "qlikalertingworker.exe"
- This may return a message saying is queued for deletion and it will be removed. This does not always need a restart but can take some time, restart to speed up the process.
- Ensure all services are removed and all folders are removed from the c:/program files/qlik alerting folder
- Re-install Qlik Alerting.
- Check all services are running and respond. If they happen not to be running following install (which can happen in environments where servers respond slowly) then manually restart them. The order of restarting is not particularly important but I would suggest leaving the queuer and worker services until last.
- Re-apply SSL certs and config changes as necessary.