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Join UsWhen installing the Qlik Insight Bot WebChat service on a separate Qlik Insight Bot server, you may experience Qlik Insight Bot Error: "You are not authorized to connect" when using the WebChat service from the HUB on the Qlik Sense Server
This is caused if the Qlik Insight Bot hostname and Qlik Sense server host names are on different sub domains which causes sessions that established on Qlik Sense server that are bound to Qlik Sense server hostname but not bound to Qlik Insight Bot hostname.
As a result the logs show "Unauthorised Access - Session empty / not found" error
If you installed Qlik Insight bot and created the communication with Qlik Sense and done the 3 steps below:
1. QIB webchat is enabled on Hub
2. When clicking on Bot icon in the HUB and send a message the user receives "You are not authorized to connect" error.
3. Logs show: Unauthorised Access - Session empty / not found"
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