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On Qlik Sense June 2018 patch 3 release, a task that has been set to max retries = 10. The task retries successfully 6 times and thereafter results into 'Error' task state
The retry should be 10 times based on the setting in "max retries"
1.Test steps -
1) Create and app which runs and sleeps for more than 1 minute.
SET vSecondsWait = 70000; //70000 ms > 1 minute
Sleep $(vSecondsWait);
2) Create a task and link to app in step 1, set the task timeout to 1 and max retry count to 10.
3) Run the task
4) Wait for the task to execute until last retry
5) Check logs - c:\program data\Qlik\Sense\Log\Scheduler\Trace. Look for error message "Failed to start task in slave scheduler". This message is logged against retry count 8 onwards.
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