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Join UsIn some cases using polygon with holes in Geo Analytics, user may encounter different results compare to a Qlik Sense native map object, where the expected layer could malformed.
The workaround could be to use a Qlik Sense Native map instead, however if a user is still encountering issues with the shape, please verify the following (only for native map objects):
Please verify that the polygon is 100% properly formatted. The outer ring of the polygon should be counter clockwise and the inner ring(s) should be clockwise according to the GeoJSON spec (https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7946#section-3.1.6). In some cases that could be left unspecified which is likely why the geojson.io site manages to render it properly but for the map chart we assume the outer/inner rings are opposite - ie counter clockwise for the outer ring and clockwise for the inner rings.
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