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Join Usdefine([], function() { return { initialProperties: { props: { things: [] } }, definition: { type: "items", component: "accordion", items: { appearance: { uses: "settings", items: { arrayLevel1: { label: "Things", addTranslation: "Add Thing", type: "array", ref: "props.things", itemTitleRef: "label", allowAdd: true, allowRemove: true, allowMove: true, add: function( thing, context ) { thing.label = "Thing " + (context.props.things.length + 1); }, items: { label: { label: "Label", ref: "label", type: "string", expression: "optional" }, optionsAtLevel1WithFunction: { label: "Options 1", ref: "optionsWithFunction", component: "dropdown", options: function( thing, context ) { /** * This is where `thing` should always be the 1st level array's item. It * is recognized by its `cId` identifier property. This property does not * exist on the extension's layout object. * * Instead it is _not_ consistent on subsequent calls. * * See the browser's console for the logging of `thing`'s value. */ var message = thing.cId ? "optionsAtLevel1WithFunction/thing is the thing" : "! optionsAtLevel1WithFunction/thing is the extension layout"; console.log(message, thing); return [{ label: "One Option", value: 1 }, { label: "Two Option", value: 2 }]; } }, arrayLevel2: { label: "Items", addTranslation: "Add Item", type: "array", ref: "items", itemTitleRef: "label", allowAdd: true, allowRemove: true, allowMove: false, add: function( item, thing ) { item.label = "Item " + (thing.items.length + 1); }, items: { label: { translation: "Common.Label", type: "string", ref: "label" }, optionsAtLevel2WithFunction: { label: "Options 2", ref: "optionsAtLevel2WithFunction", component: "dropdown", options: function( item, context ) { /** * This is where `item` should always be the 2nd level array's item. It * is recognized by its `cId` identifier property. This property does not * exist on the extension's layout object. * * Instead it is _not_ consistent on subsequent calls. * * See the browser's console for the logging of `item`'s value. */ var message = item.cId ? "optionsAtLevel2WithFunction/item is the item" : "! optionsAtLevel2WithFunction/item is the extension layout"; console.log(message, item); return [{ label: "One Option", value: 1 }, { label: "Two Option", value: 2 }]; } } } } } } } } } } }; });
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