Third-party plugin QlikSenseTask-3.x\QlikSenseTask.exe is always returning 0 as the task status result and an HTTP status code of 200 OK even though the task didn't start or started and failed.
All versions of Qlik Sense
The executionresult endpoint will return a status of 200 OK with an empty array instead of a 403 Forbidden when incorrect permissions are used to call this endpoint, this was a decision by R&D, so it's not a bug. Unless the code changes, the issue is related to the logic in the method found here and as seen below:
public int GetTaskStatus(QlikSenseTaskExecutionGuid taskexecutionguid)
Dictionary<string, string> queries = new Dictionary<string, string>();
//queries.Add("filter", "name eq '" + taskname + "'");
//find the app
//string taskid = "";
string taskstring = qrsClient.Get("/qrs/executionresult/"+taskexecutionguid.value, queries);
List<QlikSenseTaskResult> tasks = (List<QlikSenseTaskResult>)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<QlikSenseTaskResult>>(taskstring);
int retval = 0;
if (tasks.Count == 1)
retval = tasks[0].operational.lastExecutionResult.status;
return retval;
}Basically, the conditional expression,
if (tasks.Count == 1), is skipped because an empty array (0 elements) was returned from the API, so
retval returns as 0 to the user. With the correct permissions, the API would have returned a one element array containing task details, and
retval would have returned the real status from
tasks[0].operational.lastExecutionResult.status since
tasks.Count now equals 1.
Give user RootAdmin as the resource filters needed are not documented for a custom rule/role yet. Alternatively, a TaskAdmin rule/role can be created, which can call the needed endpoints without having RootAdmin access. See
Qlik Sense: Security rules needed to call task start and result endpoints for more information.