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Join UsSaving a document after a reload can under some circumstances result in an incorrectly persisted data format. The saved document (QVW/QVF/QVD) cannot be opened (with data) by the engine or be binary loaded from. It is table and field data of certain byte sizes that are incorrectly encoded.
See Binary Load Fails With "General Script Error" for more details on an alternative root cause.
QlikView April 2019 IR (12.40).
On versions with the fault, the only way to get the data to save correctly is to run with the setting ParallelFieldWrite=0 in the appropriate Settings.ini. This setting does not restore incorrectly encoded files.
Default File Location for Settings.ini are followings:
Since product defect QLIK-95577 is fixed in later versions. An upgrade is strongly recommended.
Review the release notes for the respective version for details on ID QLIK-95577.
Fix version:
Qlik Sense June 2019 and later
Qlik Sense April 2019 Patch 1 Update 1
Qlik Sense February 2019 Patch 4
Qlik Sense November 2018 Patch 6
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