QVS stops registering logs when
"Delayed Write Failed" persists for a 'certain' period in Windows Event logs. the QlikView Server service will need to be restarted in order for logging to resume even after the problem has been cleared in the environment.
More information on this error is found under Microsoft's post
If you receive a "Delayed Write Failed" error message on Microsoft Windows Server 2003 or Windows Server 2008, this states that your data has been lostEnvironment:
- QlikView November 2017 SR5
QlikView Server is not designed to be resilient to extended network or file share outages. Related information can also be found under
Does QlikView Support NAS Storage?The QlikView Server and Publisher nodes requires a maximum of 4 milliseconds latency to any of the network share storage location(s).
The following Powershell procedure can be used for troubleshooting latency during peak hours between all nodes and file share servers. It is basically just a continuous ping via ICMP protocol with timestamps for being able to cross-reference other logs for failures that may be related to the high latency experienced.
The feature request below has been registered for future R&D consideration in order to eliminate the need to restart QVS once network connectivity condition is improved in the environment.
Feature Request ID(s):
- 3093 - QVS stops writing to log files when "Delayed Write Failed" occurs until service is restarted
Restart the QlikView Server service and prevent extended network and file share outages or high latency from occurring in the environment.
! Qlik has previously received feedback on this feature and recorded the request for future review. For up to date information and to express you would like the Feature implemented please contact support at support.qlik.com referencing this article.