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Join UsNPrinting OnDemand extension only shows the first 50 reports in NPrinting,
Same symptom on difference browsers
Clicking On-Demand button doesn't show any errors, just does not show all the apps (customer )
Seems like in On-Demand extension that only queried for the first page from NP (which is only 50 entries)
E.g. from NP perspective to modify helper.js (\\SERVER\share\StaticContent\Extensions\qlik-on-demand-reporting\js) in the extension files and set this then the limit can be changed to 100:
Add "limit=100" after apps in "(s.ajax({url:n.getActionURL(e,"api/v1/apps"),method:"GET",xhrFields:{withCredentials:!0}}))"
look like ...{url:n.getActionURL(e,"api/v1/apps?limit=100")...
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