A large QlikView document (.qvw file) may be opened manually from the QlikView Desktop (qv.exe) instance on the NPrinting Engine node with no issues, but when NPrinting connects to the document it consumes all the resources of the QlikView server.
- Qlik NPrinting 17 and newer
- QlikView, all versions
Minimized or other unsupported objects that are not calculated and loaded into memory when opening the .qvw file manually QlikView Desktop.
Saved, "OnOpen", or action triggered selections may also pose the same issue. See
Reload of metadata fails in NPrinting 17 but not on NPrinting 16NPrinting may attempt to open QlikView document objects for which conditional settings are in place and then load all of those objects during the creation of the connection (metadata reload) which may cause an exhaustion of resources on the QlikView server when using a Server connection. If the NPrinting connection points to a network share or local storage location the QlikView Desktop instance used by the NPrinting Engine will consume the excessive amount of resources, instead.
This behavior may not occur when a regular QlikView user opens the document as it does not perform the same tasks requested by the NPrinting server via API.
Ensure that the QlikView document does not have minimized objects and/or other unsupported objects. See
Qlik NPrinting: Unsupported QlikView Document items, System Configurations and other limitations