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Please note that the Section Access in Qlik Sense does not behave the same way as in QlikView regarding to Data Reduction and Inherited Access Restriction . The implementation of the data reduction model in QlikView is very different from the implementation in Qlik Sense and the scripts that are created in QlikView will not work in Qlik Sense and vice versa.
A QlikView document will set all the reduction rules through the section access in the script during reload, but the actual reduction is only invoked when the document property: “Initial Data Reduction Based on Section Access” is checked, and this applies to any binary load as well (so no implicit inheritance here, just a very explicit one). This is very different from Qlik Sense where the Dynamic Data Reduction is applied with any reload when a section access statement is used, without the need for a separate document property.
The QlikView implementation has remained pretty much unchanged since QlikView version 8.2 (from around 2007) whereas the Qlik Sense implementation started out as a very rudimentary attempt that grew overtime in a somewhat different direction where focus is to be able to perform reloads on a server, something that was never intended in QlikView. Ideally, the two implementations should use similar metaphors and be somewhat synonymous, but they are certainly not identical.
The assumption that the "Inherited access restrictions" should be the same way for QlikView and Qlik Sense, is certainly not implemented that way.
Static Data Reduction during reload, Binary Load possible with inherited access restrictions only if recipient document property “Initial Data Reduction Based on Section Access” is used.
QVB: Similar to the QlikView desktop (see above).
Client: Dynamic Data Reduction, reload is not possible.
Qlik Sense:
Desktop: No Data Reduction – Section Access not supported in Desktop.
Client: Dynamic Data Reduction, Binary Load (server) possible with inherited access restrictions.
Offline Client: Static Data Reduction when copying content from server
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