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Join UsOur supplier of the satellite image map is switching to enforce TLS 1.2 by April 16 2019. This could have an effect on a few users of the GeoAnalytics extensions. The extensions are accessing this service and therefore the browsers showing the extensions must support TLS 1.2 to be able to show the satellite background layer. If the browser does not support TLS 1.2, red rectangles will be displayed instead of the satellite image tiles.
Some old browsers do not have TLS 1.2 enabled by default. The only case we have found for Qlik supported browsers is for Internet Explorer 8 which is supported for QlikView 12.1. We expect that there are very few, if any, users that meet these criteria. There could in addition be users that use unsupported browsers or that have disabled TLS 1.2 in their browsers. This could then also happen for users of the built in Sense map.
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