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Join UsIn an integration of mashups and sheets in a external web app via API by initializing the objects, a user might establish a filter with the following way:
aApps[idx].field(clave).selectValues(param[key], true, false);
If in the web page are some action buttons in order to go back, forward and clear all filters, then when a user pushes the clear all filter button, all the filters, except initial, are cleared, which is perfect. The problem though is when a user is pushing repetedly the back button, the initial filter is cleared at all, and there is no way to go back / not deleting the initial filter.
eg. Code for clear all button: aApps[idx].clearAll();
Code for back button: aApps[idx].back();
- to solve this problem the property "selectionState().backCount" can be used, where with this we can control the button back pulsation and verify if this is a action correct or no
- another approach would be the currentSelections object returned by the capabilities API where it acts as a handler or event listener and once instantiated its callback function should fire any time selections change. So for this sort of situation we usually would just listen to the currentSelections object and in the code and if it's detected that the original selection is no longer applied simply re-apply it.
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