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Join UsIf a user will try to use a distribution chart to visualize data point distributions in order to allow users to drill down into more details, he expects that the points will be displayed from the minimun and up to the maximum supported value. So the grey bar of the distribution plot it should always show the data range: min to max per dimension.
However, for versions previous to Qlik Sense June 2018 patch 2 and November 2018, the grey bar is only taking visualized points into account and thus makes the results simply wrong and misleading.
Deriving decisions based on the distribution chart could be extremely dangerous as the users might lead to very wrong conclusions based on the shown visualizations.
Bug: QLIK-90538
An improvement has been made and from Qlik Sense June 2018 patch and November 2018 the behavior of the distribution object has changed. Now the grey bar shows the real min and max values.
Please note that Qlik Sense September 2018 does not contain the improvement.
If you upgrade to any of the versions that contains the new behavior and the object is behaving as before, you might need to deselect the option include null values and select it back again in the dimension properties in order to trigger the new bahavior / functionality.
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