The QlikView Management Console reports too many active sessions.
Sessions do not seem to be released as expected.
The QlikView Server Event log may log:
StdServer: Fiber loop (22e39511220) stall detected: last fiber loop iteration started
StdServer: Fiber loop (22e39511220) is waiting for monitor 22e97880438 with static nesting level
WorkingSet: Virtual Memory is growing beyond parameters
WorkingSet: Virtual Memory is growing CRITICALLY beyond parametersMultiple
Ticket created: Ticket for users may be recorded in a row.
QlikView 12.20 (November 2017)
A restart of the QlikView Server service will resolve this.
To address the root cause, review system health for the system hosting the QlikView Server (QVS.exe), as well as the file share hosting the QVS root folder.
Possible scenario: The QlikView Server service is hosted on the same machine as its root folder and document storage. Due to high memory consumption, the hosting Windows system and file system leads to disk queue buildup and problems with access to QlikView's operational files.
QlikView and its backend File Share System for details on File Share monitoring.
QlikView Sessions not released (Session and Usage CALs consumed) for a similar issue, root cause due to mismatched Plugin Client versions.