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Join UsThe text entered into the Expression Builder is color coded to assist with use of fields, variables and functions as described in Qlik Sense Help: Working with the expression editor (September 2018). The color coding is a useful visual cue in the use of expressions in Qlik Sense. In the September 2018 release (12.36.1) it was reported that text strings used in the Expression Builder were no longer being color coded green and were instead showing up as black text. In previous releases the text strings in expressions were color coded green.
Example expression with strings:
if( Sales>= 0, 'OK', 'Alarm' )
This behavior has been reproduced by Qlik Technical Support. Releases prior to September 2018 the text string was color coded green in the Expression Builder. In September 2018 the other items (fields, variables and function) are still being color coded properly, but the text strings are showing up as black text in the Expression Builder. This behavior has been reported to our development team for further investigation via QLIK-91093.
There is no workaround for this issue as of the last update of this article. For up to date information if the issue has been resolved, please review the release notes or contact support and reference this article or QLIK-91093.
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