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Join UsRoot cause: Area layer do not use the coordinates, it uses the name of the area/location
Resolution: If area not correctly displayed, specifiy via location e.g. 'UK' (with single quotes)
A "Point Layer" gets a right location because it can use a field that contains a specific unique coordinate.
For "Area Layer" it requires a field with several coordinates that defines the shape of the area.
A problem when using a field that contains a specific unique coordinate (ex:name of a city) is that we could have several locations with that named and thus you need to limit the scope by for example specifying that you only want a specific city in 'UK' for example. See under section "Setting the scope for locations for a map layer" in this link https://help.qlik.com/en-US/sense/September2019/Subsystems/Hub/Content/Sense_Hub/Visualizations/Map/Map.htm
To get it to work you need to Go to Location -> Set Scope for location to custom -> In the Country text box type for example 'UK' (with the single quotes).
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