Qlik Community
Collaborate with over 60,000 Qlik technologists and members around the world to get answers to your questions, and maximize success.
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Level |
Maps |
Geo Analysis (GIS Database) |
Qlik GeoAnalytics |
Hosted |
Hosted |
+ Qlik GeoAnalytics Plus |
Hosted |
On-premise |
Qlik GeoAnalytics Enterprise Server |
On-premise |
On-premise |
Qlik GeoCoding |
Hosted |
On-Premise |
Level |
Use case |
Qlik GeoAnalytics |
Cloud access, nothing to install except extensions. Internet connection from server required. |
+ Qlik GeoAnalytics Plus |
Access to local GIS (Geographic Information Systems) data sources. Requires access to Internet for license checks, route and location data. |
+ Qlik Geocoding |
Internet connection required when lookup at address level resolution precision of geo analysis is needed. |
Qlik GeoAnalytics Enterprise Server |
Everything is Off-line and available on a local server or cluster of servers. (Except GeoCoding and Satellite imagery) |
Collaborate with over 60,000 Qlik technologists and members around the world to get answers to your questions, and maximize success.
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