What information is available on the compatibility of Qlik Sense with Angular?
- Qlik Sense Enterprise, all versions
Qlik Sense APIs were developed in a particular version of Angular, which is discoverable from the Hub in
About > Third-party software as described on the help site,
Using AngularJS in your mashup.
Here are a few examples:
Qlik Sense Version | AngularJS Dependency |
February 2018 Patch 1 | 1.5.0 |
June 2018 | 1.6.9 |
When calling Qlik Sense APIs, check that version of Angular you are using is compatible with the version of Angular in Qlik Sense.
If specific compatibility issues are found, they will be logged in the Knowledgebase here--otherwise, this article assumes the developer/reader is knowledgeable in Angular and aware of which versions are backwards compatible so this information will not be exhaustively listed here. Angular publishes information available on its website about migrating from AngularJS (Angular 1.0) to later versions of Angular (2, 3, 4, 5, etc) at
Note: Qlik does NOT support the 3rd party software mentioned and used in this documentation. Please use them at your own discretion and, if concerned, contact the proper IT team within your company to verify the ability to use non-Qlik related software in the environment.
Note: Debugging or writing custom code is supported by the Qlik Professional Services or Presales teams. This example is provided for demonstration purposes to explain specific scenarios. No Support or maintenance is implied or provided. Further customization is expected to be necessary and it is the responsibility of the end administrator to test and implement an appropriate implementation for their specific use case.