QlikSense Oracle connector not working with error below when attempting to reload data or select data via Data Connection in Hub:
From QVOdbcConnectorPackage.log
20180501T164846.563-04:00 [1] 4.8.0 INFO HOSTNAME \\.\pipe\00002FD8_00003720_5F29A50B_422F232D.pip UserIdNotPassed AppIdNotPassed EngineSessionIdNotPassed bef8e662-ee3a-4207-86f6-d8ba9a564226 oracle SENDING: QvxReply {Result=QVX_UNKNOWN_ERROR, ErrorMessage=Error starting QvConnect process: Instance 'QvOdbcConnectorPackage' does not exist in the specified Category.} From Service_Engine logs:
13 20180418T165531.453-0400 ERROR HOSTNAME 362dbe9c-0885-4b91-a6e5-0c98360d90f2 20180418T165531.461-0400 Command=Doc::CreateConnection;Result=11043;ResultText=Error: Connector connect error: {0} 4e13fe77-9f59-4ebc-9c35-4e701b2d176a ae111b6f-208a-4f6e-b7c2-81d52c4b8426 38 XXX 8683571536 22de82ef-f024-4dc3-b2b5-35b97878aec8 0 Not available Engine Not available Doc::CreateConnection Doc::CreateConnection 11043 {{"Error starting QvConnect process: Instance 'QvOdbcConnectorPackage' does not exist in the specified Category."}} 362dbe9c-0885-4b91-a6e5-0c98360d90f2From the reload script log or Hub reload progress window:
The following error occurred:
Connector connect error: Errror starting QvConnect process: Instance 'QvOdbcConnectorPackage' does not exist in the specified Category.
The error occurred here:
- Qlik Sense Februrary 2018 (12.5.3)
- Oracle v. 11g (
No root cause has been found at this time.