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Join UsThe issue happens when using Safari, either on Mac or iOS, to login to a Qlik Sense Enterprise (QSE) setup deployed via Azure AD App Proxy.
QSE and Azure AD have been configured for Single Sign On (SSO) using Kerberos Constrained Delegation (KCD).
After successful login, the user is presented with a blank screen with the URL https://login.microsoftonline.com/<QSE proxy path>/hub
However if the user now navigates to the public URL once more, the hub is correctly presented to the user.
This issue is visible with iOS device with Chrome & Safari.
Chrome on MacOS works as expected, however Safari does not and shows the issue described.
Any customer wanting to use Microsoft Intune and Microsoft AppProxy with iOS will face the same issue.
Qlik Sense Enterprise, any
R&D is currently investigating this as a possible bug, with title "Qlik Sense Enterprise does not load after authentication with Azure's App Proxy using KCD" and ID QLIK-88912.
Current workarounds:
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