importing USER : ERROR: 23503: update or delete on table "email_address" violates foreign key constraint "fk2845be5917196dd2" on table "smtp_destination" - Nprinting import task - OP-7491
Article Number: 000050880 | Last Modified: 2019/05/13
Running an import task in NPrinting ends in importing USER : ERROR: 23503: update or delete on table "email_address" violates foreign key constraint "fk2845be5917196dd2" on table "smtp_destination", that happens for Nprinting 17 and 18.
Environment: Nprinting Version 17 and 18 (February 2018 / April 2018)
Users which are getting synced and marked as deleted in the import task are Sender or Default Email Sender of a task, and for that blocked for deletion, which breaks the import. Defect ID: OP-7491
Workaround: As a workaround disable the option "Remove users added in a previous run of this task, if not present in the import file" when setting up the task, this will allow the task to run completely, but will not clean out all users!
Fix version: Qlik NPrinting April 2019
Information provided on this defect is given as is at the time of documenting. For up to date information, please review the most recent Release Notes, or contact support at with the ID (JIRA item here) for reference.
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