Dim url_column As Range
Dim image_column As Range
Set url_column = Worksheets(1).UsedRange.Columns("A")
Set image_column = Worksheets(1).UsedRange.Columns("B")
Dim i As Long
For i = 1 To url_column.Cells.Count
With image_column.Worksheet.Pictures.Insert(url_column.Cells(i).Value)
.Left = image_column.Cells(i).Left
.Top = image_column.Cells(i).Top
image_column.Cells(i).EntireRow.RowHeight = .Height
End With
Note: that as this needs to be developed in Excel, this is outside of the scope of Qlik Support and please use it own risk.
QlikView: Exporting images from a table to Excel
Article Number: 000050722 | Last Modified: 2019/04/12Description
Unfortunately, there is not a build in functionality to export images from a QlikView table to Excel.
Possible workaround outside of QlikView (this should be configured in Excel):
- Export images as a URL (FQDN is required) and try to run the following VBA script in Excel to render the URL as an image:
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