1. What are physical layout of qlik sense services:
1.1 Logging Service (LS):
- Manages log files for the Qlik Sense
1.2 Repository DB Service (RDS)
- Manages persistence and synchronization of apps and licensing, security, and service configuration data.
- The RDS is needed by all other Qlik Sense services to run and serve apps
- Manages the repository database synchronization in multi-node sites with synchronized persistence
- Stores the app structures and the paths to the binary files
- Uses the Qlik Sense Repository Database(QRD) service to read and write data in the repository database.
- A PostgreSQL database is used by default
- Data: %ProgramData%\Qlik\Sense\Repository
- Logs: %ProgramData%\Qlik\Sense\Log\Repository
1.3 Proxy Service (PS)
- Manages site authentication, session handling, and load balancing
- Data: %ProgramData%\Qlik\Sense\Proxy
- Logs: %ProgramData%\Qlik\Sense\Log\Proxy
1.4 Schedule Service (SS)
- Manages the scheduled reloads of apps as well as other types of reload triggering based on task events
- Data: /
- Logs: %ProgramData%\Qlik\Sense\Log\Scheduler
1.5 Engine Service (ES)
- Handles all application calculations and logic.
- Data: %ProgramData%\Qlik\Sense\Engine
- Logs: %ProgramData%\Qlik\Sense\Log\Engine
1.6 Printing Service (PR)
- Manages export in Qlik Sense.
- Data: %ProgramData%\Qlik\Sense\Printing
- Logs: %ProgramData%\Qlik\Sense\Log\Printing
1.7 Service Dispatcher (SD)
- Service controller that used to launch and manage the following Qlik Sense services:
- Broker Service: The Broker Service acts as an interface to and an intermediary between services started by the Qlik Sense Service Dispatcher (QSD).
- Logs: %ProgramData%\Qlik\Sense\Log\BrokerService
- Data Profiling Service: The Data Profiling Service is used to access and modify the app load model.
- Logs: %ProgramData%\Qlik\Sense\Log\DataProfiling
- Hub Service: The Hub Service controls which content a user is allowed to see based on authorization.
- Logs: %ProgramData%\Qlik\Sense\Log\HubService
- Migration Service: The Migration Service ensures that your apps can be used in the currently installed version of Qlik Sense.
- Logs: %ProgramData%\Qlik\Sense\Log\AppMigration
- Capability Service: The Capability Service is used to handle Qlik Sense system feature configuration.
- Logs: %ProgramData%\Qlik\Sense\Log\CapabilityService
2. How do we structure the folders. do we need network share for those QVF where they are stored
When you install first node in the cluster(your very first server), as requirement you would be asked to create file share where you would store:
- App data(.QVF files represented as APP_ID's)
- Archived logs
- CustomData
- StaticContent
- Refference and details to following web page
3. How do we physically layout the operating system what should be the partition and block size of partition
QlikSense is in memory analytic tool, partition and block size doesn't affect the operability of the product. |Newer hard drives support "Advanced Format 4K Sector", as recommendation also by the manufacturer - it's best to follow their recommendation
4. Do we need any network share for QVF?
It's prerequirement for storing .QVF files to have defined file share. You can create a file share either on the same server as the central node or on a separate server. If you have a large multi-node site we recommend that you configure the file share on a dedicated server for better resilience and performance.
5. How do we set the backup for .QVF files?
Following web link describe and guide components related to backup
Aspects that compose your Qlik Sense site and needs to have backup considerations:
- Qlik Sense repository database (manage persistence, conf. data, security rules)
- Shared persistence file share (location where your Apps, arch. logs, static content and custom data are stored, and this one is represented by the shared folder)
- Qlik Sense certificates (used for secure communication between QS services on relation: Node1(itself) Node1<-->Node"x" in case more than one node is placed in your QS environment
6. How can we automate the deployment?
If you use tools and solutions for distributing software via .MSI packages
See refference article: Extracting MSIs from Qlik Sense Installer Package
7. We have 2 partitions on the server. Frist is "C" and second is "D". Is there any impact of the partitions?
No, as long as you keep your partition space proper to the operating system and the environment