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Join UsGET https://nprinting01:4993/api/v1/groups/3ce9b74b-4086-4d36-916e-e771c446f204/users
{ "data": { "items": [ "46bae7c5-41e1-4d98-b811-50e5dea4084a", "b37607d3-fdad-416a-8a90-a31c60fbfbf2", "9e1aa514-ea3a-433f-a6bc-3c647124fe6e", "10f58d20-2c5f-49ae-ab8c-c841ae0b654c", "123736b7-71b9-4394-86b8-5cf185c87fe8", "294dbe37-946a-49fb-9403-30163aa86fb7", "976f5651-d1e1-4f66-bdce-420e03060ab2", "0e3632a5-0dc8-4c3e-a7da-ef99df396249" ], "totalItems": 102, "offset": 0, "limit": 50 } }
GET https://nprinting01:4993/api/v1/users/46bae7c5-41e1-4d98-b811-50e5dea4084a
{ "data": { "id": "46bae7c5-41e1-4d98-b811-50e5dea4084a", "email": "victoria_s@qlik.com", "created": "2017-11-02T08:50:24Z", "lastUpdate": "2017-11-02T08:50:29Z", "enabled": true, "userName": "Victoria Southern", "domainAccount": null, "timezone": "Europe/Stockholm", "locale": "En", "folder": null, "subFolder": null } }
LIB CONNECT TO 'NTLMLOGIN'; //This is the REST connection to https://nprintingserver:4993/api/v1/login/ntlm RestConnectorMasterTable: SQL SELECT "Content-Length", "Cache-Control", "Content-Type", "Date", "Set-Cookie", "Server", "__KEY__response_header", (SELECT "result", "code", "message", "__FK_root" FROM (wrap on) "root" FK "__FK_root") FROM JSON "_response_header" PK "__KEY__response_header"; [root]: LOAD [result] AS [result], [code] AS [code], [message] AS [message], [__FK_root] AS [__KEY__response_header] RESIDENT RestConnectorMasterTable WHERE NOT IsNull([__FK_root]); [_response_header]: LOAD [Content-Length] AS [Content-Length], [Cache-Control] AS [Cache-Control], [Content-Type] AS [Content-Type], [Date] AS [Date], [Set-Cookie] AS [Set-Cookie], [Server] AS [Server], [__KEY__response_header] AS [__KEY__response_header] RESIDENT RestConnectorMasterTable WHERE NOT IsNull([__KEY__response_header]); DROP TABLE RestConnectorMasterTable; let vCookieRaw = Peek('Set-Cookie',0,'_response_header'); let vCookie = TextBetween('$(vCookieRaw)','Secure,','Path=/',2); GroupTempTable: SQL SELECT "__KEY_data", (SELECT "@Value", "__FK_items" FROM "items" FK "__FK_items" ArrayValueAlias "@Value") FROM JSON (wrap off) "data" PK "__KEY_data" WITH CONNECTION( URL "https://nprintingserver:4993/api/v1/groups/42ebb359-9742-41f6-aa47-3e5d08bf61c9/users", HTTPHEADER "cookie" "$(vCookie)" ); [items]: LOAD [@Value] AS UserId, [__FK_items] AS [__KEY_data] RESIDENT GroupTempTable WHERE NOT IsNull([__FK_items]); DROP TABLE GroupTempTable; [groupusers]: Load * Where Exists(UserId); Load id as UserId, userName; SQL SELECT "totalItems", "offset", "limit", "__KEY_data", (SELECT "id", "userName", "description", "created", "lastUpdate", "__FK_items" FROM "items" FK "__FK_items") FROM JSON (wrap off) "data" PK "__KEY_data" WITH CONNECTION( URL "https://nprintingserver:4993/api/v1/users?limit=300", HTTPHEADER "cookie" "$(vCookie)" ); // You need to set the limit to the number of users in your NPrinting server for this query to return proper results, by default only the first 50 users are returned by the API and they might not be the one in your group.
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