Using IFrames to render QlikView mashups may result in two sessions being consumed and two usage CALs used if .htm file is not correct
Article Number: 000048426 | Last Modified: 2018/09/07
A customer was testing a very simple mashup that displays one visual. When accessing the mashup, there are two sessions being consumed in the QlikView logs and two GetWebTicket requests in the Webserver log. In addition, if using Usage CALs, a customer may see two CALs being consumed when accessing the mashup.
This behavior, where multiple sessions are seen should not happen. A mashup showing a visual should have one GetWebTicket request, get assigned one type of CAL depending on what is available and see one session in the logs.
We performaed a lot of testing and confirmed the behaviors in a vapp environment, limiting the license type and accessing the mashup using the same .htm file as the customer. Jira issue QV-13566 "QlikView mashup call creates 2 sessions and consumes 2 Usage Cals" was created.
R&D concluded the document name inside the htm file must be exactly the same (including case) in the "view" parameter of the QV.Init.Workbench call and in the avqview parameter in the object.
Notice, the htm file content below. The qvw document names do not match: tiles-lcense_test and tiles-license_test.qvw
Once the mismatch was corrected (by making sure both file names had the qvw extension in the htm file) the mashup was retested. The number of sessions, GetWebTicket calls, Usage Cals all showed only one each.
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