What Version Of Installshield Does Product Team Using?
Article Number: 000045494 | Last Modified: 2018/11/21
What version of Installshield does Product Team Using?
The Windows installer was recently upgraded [from] Installshield 2011 [to] Installshield 2016 for Qlikview builds from git branches master (Build #966) and release/QV12-20 (Build #26) and development branches originated from those. The upgrade resulted in a changed behavior when installing/uninstalling QlikView*.exe from command line.
Installshield 2011 A Setup.exe launcher created by a Basic MSI or InstallScript MSI project waited for the Setup.exe process to complete before return control.
Installshield 2016
Setup.exe launcher created from a Basic MSI or InstallScript MSI is intended to use the /clone_wait command line parameter to properly wait on the installation.
What the above means is that launchers created with Installshield 2016 will not wait for the installation process before returning the control and this can be troublesome in some scenarios such as batch files where you might have sequential commands dependent on each other.
e.g. Command 1 installs the Qlikview product
Command 2 starts a service that was installed in Command 1
For the Command 2 to be successful, the Qlikview product needs to be installed. With Installshield 2011: this will work out of the box i.e. Command 2 will not run until the Qlikview product is installed.
With Installshield 2016 and the exact same command as above: Command 1 runs (Installation is started) and then Command 2 runs directly after thus Command 2 starts to run during the Qlikview product installation and not after.
There is a remedy for the new behavior. Below you can see examples of updates needed (in red) in two common installation scenarios:
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