Direct Discovery (aka Direct Query) does not work in QlikView 12.20 due to a missing "QVConnect64.exe" file not included on install.
Within the app Direct Query object, the message "Database Connection Failed" is displayed.
The following lines are seen in the QlikView Server Event logs when High verbosity is enabled:
20180110T095443.000-0500 20180110T095711.000-0500 2 500 Warning System: OpenFileOrURL: An exception (fileNotFound D:\Program Files\QlikView\Server\QvConnect64.EXE) occurred during open of D:\Program Files\QlikView\Server\QvConnect64.EXE
20180110T095443.000-0500 20180110T095711.000-0500 1 300 Error CLinkedTable::CreateConnection: Bundled QVConnect not found.
Known issue in QlikView 12.20 IR (bug
QV-12569) where the QlikView Server installation does not include the "QVConnect64.exe" component.
This bug was fixed in QlikView 12.20.20400
- QlikView Server up to 12.20.20400
Upgrade to QlikView 12.20 SR3 (12.20.20400) or later, where bug
QV-12569 is fixed. Otherwise consider the following work-around solution:
- Install QlikView Desktop (same version as QlikView Server) on the server.
- Move the "QVConnect64.exe" from folder "C:\Program Files\QlikView" into the "C:\Program Files\QlikView\Server". Note: If the connection is 32-bit you also need QVConnect32. This can be found in "C:\Program Files(x86)\QlikView"
- Restart "QlikView Server" service.