Archived Logs Not Created For a Rim Node and TLS Handshake Fails, Yet Server Root Certificate Thumbprints of Central and Rim Match
Article Number: 000043973 | Last Modified: 2018/11/21
It may be the case that a RIM node is missing from the Monitor App. Upon investigation, one may find:
Archived logs are not being created for that RIM node
There are TLS Handshake errors in the Windows Event (Application) logs for that Node
If the Trusted Root Certificate installed on the RIM is compared the the Central node, then the thumbprints match (i.e., the installed certificates are not out of sync)
Some services, such as the Broker Service, run on NodeJS and therefore get their certificates from C:\ProgramData\Qlik\Sense\Repository\Exported\.Local Certificates instead of from the local certificate store.
When services are started, the installed certificates are exported to this folder. If the locally installed certificates are installed without restarting all Qlik Sense services, then the locally installed certificates will not match those in the Exported certificates folder. Stopping all services, deleting that folder, and restarting the services ensures the certificates in that folder match the installed certificates (and that all services are therefore using the same certificates).
Take the following actions:
Stop ALL Qlik Sense services (especially Service Broker and Logging Service)
Rename (or delete) the C:\ProgramData\Qlik\Sense\Repository\Exported Certificates folder
Restart all the services
Reload the Monitor App
You should see the TLS errors stop in the Windows Event logs, and when you reload the monitor app then the RIM node should reappear.
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