NPrinting On Demand throws error 'NPrinting service error. Please check if Nprinting service is reachable'
Article Number: 000043431 | Last Modified: 2019/04/11
Nprinting On-Demand is installed correctly.
The on-demand extension objects are visible in Qlikview and are configured correctly.
The on-demand service is reachable at the configured port.
An on-demand report can still not be created. An error 'NPrinting service error. Please check if Nprinting service is reachable' is thrown.
If using Qlikview server, the NPrinting service user has been granted an user access CAL.
This may be due to a licence restriction from the Qlikview license. When we initiate an on-demand report, the NPrinting service user opens the Qlikview document using the locally installed Qlikview desktop. Therefore, the Qlikview Desktop should either be licensed or it should be leasing a license from a Qlikview server. If the Desktop is in Personal edition or if the server license is one which cannot be leased, NPrinting service user cannot open the document. Hence, the report generation fails.
License the Qlikview Desktop installed in the machine where NPrinting server is running. If using Qlikview server, ensure that the qlikview server license is leasable.
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