Some customer have already reported the necessity to send the same report with different filters to the same user. A typical example is this: the user is a regional manager that should receive the report with all his area data and the same report with only his own data.
- NPrinting 17
- NPrinting 18
- NPrinting 19
At the moment there is not a direct solution to give the possibility to use different filter for the same user. We have plans to add this in the future, but there is not a date for the implementation yet.
It is not possible to create two different users with the same e-mail address, so you cannot send reports with different user filters to the same address. We also do not have group filters, so you cannot add the same user to groups with different filters.
As workaround, you can create a copy of the report and add specific filters to the report instead of adding them to the user. In this case, it may be helpful to use cycles in combination with filters.
This solution can also be combined with the use of conditions and NPrinting API. You create a Qlik variable that can have "Manager" or "User" as values, then add a condition based on this variable to your reports. Reports that must be sent to the manager are blocked by the condition if the variable equals "Users" and vice-versa. Then you create a button in a QlikView dashboard or Sense application that starts the task execution.
You can use the NPrinting API to do this, see the
NPrinting Online Help for details.
According to the value you set in the variable, the report is sent with the user or with the manager filters.
Another possibility is to create multiple e-mail addresses for the same recipient, so you can create different user with different filters. This solution is easier to be applied if you only publish the reports in NewsStand instead of sending them to e-mail.
A feature request has been added in the Qlik internal "Product ideation portal". The feature request is to add Group filters in NPrinting 19 and higher releases. It means filters that are associated to a group of users.
Each group filter is applied to all the users in the same group.
Since a user can belong to more than a group, it will be possible to send a report with different filters to the same user.