Smart Search tool in Qlik Sense allows you to search the entire data set in your app from any sheet within the app. As you type your search query Qlik Sense searches simultaneously in visualizations and data items.
Smart Search returns results in 2 ways:
- Under Explore at the top of the results area, you see representations of the visualizations where the search terms are found. Results are displayed in a scroll gallery, ranked according to relevance.
- Under Apply a selection area, you see lists of matching data items. For searches in data, the results returned show the combinations of matches found across the entire Qlik Sense database. If there is more than one match to the search query, with order by relevance.
More than one search terms / keywords:If you use more than one search terms and separate them by spaces, they are interpreted as separate search terms. The result will show all items that contain one or both search words.
If you want two or more words to be interpreted as one search term, please use quotation mark to link them together. Rapping for example two words with double quotes that will give a qualified string search for that particular value. Search operators other than quotation marks are not supported and Measures (measure values) are not included.
The search terms are always compared against the beginning of the words in the database. Searching for “read” does not present “bread” as a match, whereas “reader” and “Reading” would both be matches. The search terms are each given a color to support the identification of the matches. When there are more than six search terms, the colors are reused.
Additional Information:
- Smart Search is not case sensitive.
- Search operators other than quotation marks are not supported
- Wildcards (*, ?, ^)
- Relational symbols (">", ">=", "<" or "<=")
- Expression Search (eg. =Sum(Sales)>50000)
Note: The above search operators can be used when you are Searching within selections or visualizations
- The following characters are considered as word or search term separator:
- Whitespace
- Punctuation signs (!*&^@’~{} …)
- Mathematical symbols (+=-/…)
- Currency symbols ($£…)
- Each Chinese / Japanese / Korean character is considered as a single word
- Cyrillic symbols are treated just like any other alphanumerical symbol
- Each consecutive set of punctuation characters is considered a search term
- Each consecutive set of alphanumerical characters is considered a search term
Smart Search History The four last search terms are visible in Recent searches just below the Smart Search.Smart Search Auto-completeAs soon as you type a character in Smart Search, proposed search terms are prompted just under it. If you type or type and select your first term and then leave a whitespace you can continue with the next search term and if you wish to select from the suggestions below.