Issues may be encountered if NPrinting server is located on a network segment that requires the use of different name for the Qlik Sense server instead of the FQDN of the server. (i.e. when connecting via a load balancer or reverse proxy)
- Qlik NPrinting 17 and 18
- Qlik Sense Enterprise all versions
A mismatch in the Proxy Address used in the NPrinting Server connection and the trusted certificate (between Sense and NPrinting) stored on the NPrinting server. This mismatch may not be detected by the verification tool. See for more details
NPrinting Verification process does not capture certificate FQDN mismatch in turn resulting in GRPC errors
The Qlik Sense Virtual Proxy address used in an NPrinting connection needs to match the Trusted certificate issued by the Sense server.
Check the certificate store on the NPrinting Server (under Personal Certificates) and confirm the Qlik Sense certificate "issued by" matches the Proxy address used in the NPrinting connection.
You can disregard the -CA on the end of the URL.
for example:
needs to be entered in the proxy address of the NPrinting Connection setting as:
Once this is changed reload the data and it should connect and once finished show Generated.