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Join UsThe service account running the QlikView services needs to be member of the local QlikviewAdministrator group on the QlikView server(s).
If this is not the case you may experience disconnected services in the QlikView Management Console.
Looking at the QlikView logs for the specific component you might found an error like:
ANY did not respond to request.
Last exception (for http://XXXX:4750/QVWS/Service): Authorization failed for user XXXX_admin, required access level is QlikViewAdministrator ---> System.ServiceModel.FaultException: Authorization failed for user XXXX_admin, required access level is QlikViewAdministrator || || Server stack trace: || at System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannel.HandleReply(ProxyOperationRuntime operation, ProxyRpc& rpc) ||
Make sure the service account running the QlikView services is member of the local QlikviewAdministrator group on the QlikView server(s).
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