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Join UsPhoenixThread: Stats request stuck report begin
PhoenixThread: Waiting on monitor CMon<slvl=1000 rlvl=1 age=-1 cu=<Fiber(0000000D2AEC0820)<id=391 #susp=0 pnd=0 lpnd=6>CAnyRequest(0x000000177CBA4C48)<hasQv=1 hasFiber=1 bprio=1>CQvReq(0x000000177CBA4C20)<f=Global::CustomProtocolRequest pUnk=0x000000004E618C20 hasFiber=1 onbr=113907675 strd=1 fin=0 isVal=0 ex=-64 eex=0>> #aw=0 #w=34>
PhoenixThread: ExecContext (depth 2): Fiber(00000010915A7020)<id=340 #susp=1 pnd=0 lpnd=6>CAnyRequest(0x0000000A8053E048)<hasQv=1 hasFiber=1 bprio=1>CQvReq(0x0000000A8053E020)<f=Global::OpenDocEx pUnk=0x0000000C6F4C0820 hasFiber=1 onbr=113836745 strd=1 fin=0 isVal=0 ex=0 eex=0>
PhoenixThread: Stats request stuck report end
PhoenixThread: Not waiting or awaiting
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