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Join UsWhen importing certain Qlik Sense Applications containing external content (eg. images) the import operation will fail.
After upgrading to a newer version of Qlik Sense Enterprise when importing an application created in the previous version of Qlik Sense Enterprise through the import function in the Qlik Sense Management Console, the import fails and following error can be observed in the logs:
9245 20170705T095425.295+0200 INFO QTARCHLABEU03 System.Repository.Repository.Core.Resource.Support.AppUploadResourceSupport 131 090656d2-e9e8-4b23-bac0-27c24688c6e5 NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM AppUploadResourceSupport: detected non-localized error, m=Invalid path [4]:Invalid path(Path longer than 260 characters) 06b18751-b903-4ddb-a2e0-8645879675ce 090656d2-e9e8-4b23-bac0-27c24688c6e5
9246 20170705T095425.623+0200 ERROR QTARCHLABEU03 System.Repository.Qlik.Sense.Common.Communication.REST.Server.RESTEngine 154 910a0557-628b-4c63-8006-94a62fbafcc1 NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM Invalid path [4]:Invalid path(Path longer than 260 characters) 910a0557-628b-4c63-8006-94a62fbafcc1
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