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How to Resolve Qlik NPrinting Engine Offline Status

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How to Resolve Qlik NPrinting Engine Offline Status

Last Update:

Aug 21, 2023 2:25:17 PM

Updated By:


Created date:

May 24, 2017 5:22:51 PM

Qlik NPrinting Engine issues may result due to:

  • a variety of incorrect installation and configuration problems 
  • if antivirus exclusions are not implements as required:
  • NPrinting Connects to QlikView and Qlik Sense concurrently, a Dedicated Service account is required for EACH NPrinting Engine service
  • NPrinting Port Firewall exemption: Port 4997
  • Check for Unsupported QlikView or Qlik Sense items
  • Newly Installing May 2023 NPrinting Track will require that you apply updated certificate steps

In some cases, the NPrinting Engine server service will not start, is offline in the NPrinting Web Console Engine manager or results in "Something Went Wrong with the current operation" or similar error message


Qlik NPrinting 


nprting engine offline.png

Engine Offline:


Something went wrong with the current operation:

  • The wrong version of the NPrinting Engine software is installed when this error is encounted "something went wrong with the current operation"


Verify that:

  • Appropriate Antivirus Exceptions are deployed
  • Check unsupported items
  • The NPrinting Engine Computer time and time zone are within 2 seconds of the NPrinting server time and time zone
  • The NPrinting Engine is connected using the correct NPrinting Server computer name. When installing the NPrinting engine, you must you the name of the NPrinting server that you are connecting to.
Note: avoid using the IP address: For example, use QlikServer1 (computer name)  not (IP address may change in some environments).
  • The correct NPrinting Engine version is installed. It must be the same version as the NPrinting server
  • That the NPrinting Server/Engine user account is a domain account. See Dedicated Account
  • When Installing NP engine, type the name of the NP server when prompted
  • Installing May 2023 NPrinting Track will require that you apply updated certificate steps


*Before proceeding below, we recommend restarting the Qlik Sense, QlikView and NPrinting servers to ensure that Windows memory leakage is not the root cause of  NP Engine Offline issue*


Steps to resolve the issue:


If updating the Antivirus exceptions and server clock time and time zones do not resolve the issue, do the following:

  1. Uninstall the existing NPrinting Engine. This will remove the NPrinting Engine service
  2. Download from the Qlik Download site, the matching version of the NPrinting Engine Software that matches the NPrinting Server version. If there are any errors during the download, make another attempt to download the file. (Do NOT install over the network to avoid potential explicit or implicit 'cyclic redundancy check' errors)

    ie: If NPrinting server is installed, you must also install the corresponding version of the NPrinting Engine also NPrinting Do NOT mismatch Engine and Server versions as this will cause errors.

  3. Before attempting re-installation: Right click on the installation file and on the 'General' tabs of the file 'Properties' click 'Unblock' if 'Unblock' button is found
  4. Next, install the NPrinting Engine software. During the install when prompted, use the NP server name (not FQDN nor the IP address) during the Engine installation process if the engine is installed on a separate computer. For example use: MyServer1 but not
  5. Next open the NPrinting web console>Admin>Engine Manager and type MyServer1 (the name of the NPrinting Engine computer in the 'address' field). Do not use in the 'address' field
  6. Insert the 'certificate password' inserted when re-installing the NPrinting Engine and click 'Send Certificate'

    Note: NPrinting Engine connects to the NPrinting Server Scheduler node. The NPrinting scheduler is a component of the NPrinting Server. This point is critical if you are installing the NPrinting engine on a computer separate from than the NPrinting server. See Engine Installation instructions below for more details.
  7. Check for:


Engine Installation Steps for Current NPrinting Versions

Note: To mitigate any upgrade issues when using a different service account to install the NPrinting engine that was originally used to install the NPrinting Engine, please upgrade NPrinting Engine and NPrinting server to November 2019 or later releases. For upgrade best practices, see NPrinting Upgrade Install from NPrinting 17.3.x or higher

Related Information:

Master II
Master II

I just spent a day tearing my hair out with this issue until I figured it out. In my case it was none of Frank's troubleshooting steps posted above (which are also good). I have a single engine installed locally on the same box as NP Server. When you have a setup like that, what NPrinting wants is the NON fully qualified name of the server during both the engine installation and when importing the engine in the Engine Manager. So if your server name is, it wants you to enter serverA (the short name). You can't use localhost, you can't use, and you can't use Incredibly frustrating issue, compounded by the fact that nothing is logged even in debugging mode--the logs indicate that everything is working fine even when the engine shows that it's offline. Hopefully this gets picked up as a bug and corrected in future releases of the software. in the meantime, I hope this comment helps someone else save their sanity!

Version history
Last update:
‎2023-08-21 02:25 PM
Updated by: