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Join UsSince upgrading from QlikView 11.20 to QlikView 12, reloading data from http/https URLs containing spaces fails.
This was working fine previously in version 11.
The errors shown in the log file is Error: Unknown error in xlsx file
Sometimes BadZip File errors also may occur.
QlikView 12.20
A bug was reported for R&D to investigate this issue: QV-9634. The bug was closed as working as designed.
Changes were made to the product that affected the way we access files with the http protocol,.This resulted in many benefits, however one drawback was that we more strictly follow the specifications (which does not allow for spaces in the URL).
The solution for this issue is to replace the spaces in the URL's used in the script with %20
For instance:
[http://server/path/file to load.xml]
must be changed into
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