QlikView is not showing the expected
Reload tab to allow the creation of tasks or to reload User Documents.
No root cause has been identified at this time and it is currently under investigation as it may vary depending on chain of actions that lead to the issue. If a QlikView Publisher was licensed previously, and the system not correctly reset to default (see:
How to remove a Publisher license) it is possible that the Reload remains disabled.
It is possible that the QlikView QVPR was not properly updated. Verify this by reviewing the following:
Note! Editing the QVPR is not recommended, and Qlik will not be able to guarantee functionality once manual changes have been done. If changes are to be made, ensure that a backup is available and that QlikView Management Services (QMS) is stopped prior to making any changes. A preferred alternative to making QVPR changes would be to reset to default the Publisher License and re-apply it. See
How to remove a Publisher license
- Navigate to C:\ProgramData\QlikTech\ManagementService\QVPR\
- Find the file DistributionService.xml and open it in a text editor
- If the parameter IsPublisher="true" this is incorrect for a non-Publisher environment and will cause the Reload tab not to be displayed.
...<DistributionService XSWebAdress="http://servername:4720/QDS/Service" DSCID="GUID" LogLevel="Normal" IsPublisher="true" MaxSimultaneousQvb="4" MaxSimultaneousReaderQVBs="20" IsCluster="false"...