When using Qlik Sense, connecting to SQL Server in Azure, you cannot access database objects from another schema. The db owner is greyed out preventing selection. You are forced to use the Master schema.
The driver that gets installed on the Azure Server only allows you to access the default database (Master) if you aren’t using a Microsoft Product (excel, access, Visual Studio).
If you use Qlik, you will be able to see non default databases, but you will not be able to select an owner or access the tables.
Download ODBC driver version 11
When you create a DSN, you can check "Change the default database to" and specify the SQL Azure database that you would like to connect. This should help you connect to SQL Azure using a System DSN in ODBC Administrator.
The connect string for ODBC should look like:
Driver={SQL Server};Server=tcp:myserver.ctp.database.windows.net;Database=myDB;Uid=mylogin;Pwd=myPassword;Notice the Database= can be set to any database you want to connect to.
You can also get information on the connect string in the "Server Administration" portal -- there is a button for "Connection Strings" that will display the different strings for you database.
You can download the latest drivers from
Microsoft directly.