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Join UsA QlikView variable is added to the subject of an e-mail message in order to send e-mail with a customized subject for each recipient.
When the e-mail is sent, the variable is not calculated according to the NPrinting filter. All the messages have the same subject
The issue is due to the fact that the variables you add in the subject of the email message are calculated only once at the end of the report generation. This means that the filters you apply to task, recipients or reports are not considered for these variables.
The variables in the E-mail object fields are calculated only once without filters.
This is Working as designed. NPrinting filters are not applied to calculate the subject in the e-mail messages.This means that the subjects will be the same for all the users. Using a variable in the report name is the best workaround . The filters will be applied to it an you will send a report with customized names.
The problem can be resolved using Recipient variables instead of variables. Recipient variable are calculated after the application of a recipient filter, so their value is different for each recipient.
Using recipient value is possible to send a customized subject for each user.
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