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Join UsThe quality of images in Qlik NPrinting 16 and NPrinting 17 reports can be lower than the quality of the same image in the source document. The problem happens especially in NPrinting 17 when the image is resized or when a stretch (and possibly Squeeze) option is applied to it. The quality of the image is good if it is not resized or stretched.
1. A possible workaround is to change the zoom in QlikView:
Open QlikView Desktop, Settings >> User Preferences >> Export >> set Clipboard zoom to 400%
This will affect the user, so be sure that you are connecting as the NPrinting Service User if you are working with NPrinting Server (version 16).
If working with NPrinting 17, the process has to be followed on the QlikView Desktop application installed on the machine where the NPrinting Engine Service is installed, connecting as the NPrinting Engine user.
This workaround is very helpful if you are working with NPrinting 16 or if you did not change the size and stretch format in NPrinting 17.
If you change size or if you stretch the image in NPrinting 17, you may have the same issue even with this workaround. As such, the best solution is not to resize or stretch the image when you are working with NPrinting 17. You may change the image format and size directly in the source document.
2. Another possible workaround is to import straight tables as tables in the Office reports instead of as images.
Pivot tables can be created in Excel following this tutorial: https://community.qlik.com/docs/DOC-8420
Other kind of charts can be created directly in a PowerPoint template using the Office features as it is shown in this tutorial: https://community.qlik.com/docs/DOC-14009
Charts and tables created directly in the template using Office features should not be affected by any loss of quality.
Newer versions of NPrinting allow you to choose the quality during the publish task creation. See this YouTube video: https://youtu.be/DtjBI9_ANV8
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