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Join UsNPrinting 17 performs several security tests when a QVW is opened. Those checks are necessary to ensure that the filters have correct values and to avoid the creation of incorrect selections in the App. Some of the checks can be resource consuming for QlikView.
In particular, NPrinting 17
- Removes all the selections from the QlikView document
- Removes all the one and only one selections.
This means that the QVW is opened with all the data, and this can cause a QlikView desktop to crash if there is a table that contains formulas requiring complex calculations.
The size of the QlikView document is part of the problem, but the real cause of the issue is normally a formula in a table that becomes too complicated to be calculated by QlikView when the selections are removed.
Generally, a solution for this problem, is to simplify the formulas or move them to the script.
It can be helpful to upgrade to the latest NPrinting release. Defects that can cause a slow down in the generation of metadata are fixed in each new release.
Consider that the generation of metadata is different in NPrinting 16 and 17. NPrinting 16 does not perform all the checks done by NPrinting 17, so the connection can be opened correctly in NPrinting 16 and fail in NPrinting17.
When reporting this issue to Qlik Technical Support, the source app and export of the report may be requested for testing in Qlik's lab as the next suitable step.
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