QlikView Publisher allows supporting tasks to for example execute external programs through QlikView tasks. This can in some cases be considered as a security concern, due to the QlikView Service user being able to execute unwanted programs through a careless or hostile server admin.
There is no native function to disable execution of supporting tasks in QlikView publisher. The Supporting Tasks feature can be removed from QlikView Management Console (QMC), which makes it impossible for a admin user to define supporting tasks.
IMPORTANT: Modified QMC HTML files are not supported. QMC errors reported to Qlik Support may require that modification is reverted as part of troubleshooting.
- Edit SystemSetup.htm, with default location C:\Program Files\QlikView\Management Service\QMC\
- Remove the Supporting Task menu item from HTML file
<li id="LI1581"><a id="SupportingTasksTab" avq="show:SystemSetup.HasPublisherLicense:1" style="display: none;" href="SupportingTasks.htm"><span id="SPAN1583">Supporting Tasks</span></a></li> - Save and close SystemSetup.htm
- Delete SupportingTasks.htm, with default location C:\Program Files\QlikView\Management Service\QMC\
- The Supporting Task option is no longer available in QMC