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Join UsThe following lines must be displayed:
Listing permissions in vhost "/" ...
guest .* .* .*
remote .* .* .*
If instead you have an error like Error: unable to connect to node 'rabbit@xxx': nodedown
It's usually a erlang cookie problem and you can check this link for more details: https://www.rabbitmq.com/clustering.html
One of the possible reasons for this error is that the user who install nPrinting has the variable %HOMEDRIVE% pointing on a Network Drive instead of the default C:\users\username.
When installing RabbitMQ, it will try to create a erlang cookie file in %HOMEDRIVE%
RabbitMQ seems not being able to create the Erlang cookies file on a network path.
This variable is usually changed by a GPO in the customer environment in order to redirect the user profile to a Network Path.
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