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Join UsScenario and Environment:
QlikView 11.20
QlikView Server cluster of at least 2 nodes
Separate Publisher instance
The apps that should be preloaded are not for some time after the last distribution. The distribution type does not matter.
Server 1 - QVS, QVWS/Settings, DSC
Server 2 - QVS, DSC
Server 3 - QMS, QDS, DSC
Five applications are configured containing 10M records, which causes things to run a couple of minutes for each version of the app.
QVWS load balancing is set to Loaded Document method.
Tasks 1 & 2 are set as a schedule every 8 minutes and on success respectively and the preload is set to only Server 1 but is allowed on Server 2 too.
Tasks A & B are set as above except they run on a 30 minute interval.
The remaining task is on a schedule, every 60 minutes.
Upon distribution of the updated apps, the 'preload' settings may not be respected and apps may load on other allowed nodes instead of the intended preload node.
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