Moving the installation from c:\ to d:\ can be done by changing the application data folders, it will require additional work but not all of them can be moved!
NOTE: This process should be done only if a full backup of the system is available!
Here is a recommended step-by-step for single installation change:
1.Backup all data
- Take a copy of C:\ProgramData\QlikTech\
- Take a copy of C:\Program Files\QlikView\Directory Service Connector\QVDirectoryServiceConnector.exe.config
- Take a copy of C:\Program Files\QlikView\Distribution Service\QVDistributionService.exe.config
- Take a copy of C:\Program Files\QlikView\Management Service\QVManagementService.exe.config
- Take a copy of C:\Program Files\QlikView\Server\QlikViewClients\QlikViewPlugin\Web.config
- Take a copy of C:\Program Files\QlikView\Web\Web.config
- Take a copy of C:\Program Files\QlikView\Server\Web Server\QVWebServer.exe.config
- Take a copy of C:\Program Files\QlikView\Support Tools\PubUpgrade.exe.config
2. Uninstall QlikView 3. Re-install and change to drive d:\
- Overwrite ProgramData\Qliktech with the copy taken earlier
- Overwrite the exe.config files with the copeis taken earlier
- C:\programdata files will still remain the same at this point.
- The WebServer may need to be manually reconfigured.
Check to see if the references to the virtual folders are correct and if the installation path is correct in the configuration file: C:\programdata\qliktech\webserver\config.xml
<InstallationPath>C:\Program Files\QlikView\Server\Web Server</InstallationPath>
<Path>C:\Program Files\QlikView\Web</Path>
<Path>C:\Program Files\QlikView\Server\QlikViewClients\QlikViewAjax</Path>
<Path>C:\Program Files\QlikView\Server\QlikViewClients\QlikViewDesktop</Path>
<Path>C:\Program Files\QlikView\Server\QlikViewClients\QlikViewPlugin</Path>
If c:\programdata\ can remain where it is, then no further steps need to be taken.
Extra if more need to relocation: If AppData also needs to be moved, then each service should now have it's Application Data moved manually.
This can be done through the Management Console and the config files stored in c:\program files\
See attached an article for
QlikView Distribution Service: Changing The Application Data Folder PathFor manual changes in the configuration files,
make sure to STOP all services before making changes.
Look for the following files in their respective Service folder in ProgramFiles:
<!-- Defaults to %PROGRAMDATA%\QlikTech\ManagementService -->
<add key="ApplicationDataFolder" value=""/>
<!-- Defaults to %PROGRAMDATA%\QlikTech\DistributionService -->
<add key="ApplicationDataFolder" value=" " />
<!-- Defaults to %PROGRAMDATA%\Qliktech\DirectoryServiceConnector -->
<add key="ApplicationDataFolder" value=""/>
Not ALL folders can be moved. The QlikView server local copy of .pgo files and the settings.ini file will need to remain in c:\programdata\qliktech\qlikviewserver. The WebServer config file should also remain in the default location.
If IIS is used, then make sure the re-install edits the virtual directories as well, as they now need to point at d:\, not c:\! If any customization of .js code or config files in c:\programfiles has been done, then un-installing and re-installing will revert everything to default.